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1 Freedom, Inc.

  201 inquiries |
Fuel Economizers |   Business Alert

8209A Foothill Blvd., Suite 235
Sunland, CA 91040
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(800) 866-5451077

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0 complaints against 1 Freedom, Inc. closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
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0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
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Company Info

This company's business is selling a kit and information on how to convert an automobile to be able to run using water and gas.

Primary Contact: Eyal Simon-Tov (President)
Business Started: 2/8/2008

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Comments and Analysis

This company sells instructions via infomercials, and internet websites, on converting transportation vehicles to "water hybrids," that use the "atomic power of hydrogen" to boost the fuel economy. The Water4gas system runs in theory by adding a small amount of a mixed hydrogen/oxygen gas, called Brown's Gas, into the vehicle's fuel system. This enriched mixture of hydrogen, oxygen (oxyhydrogen) and gasoline is bonded together molecularly and magnetically. According to the company's advertising, the combined fuel results in better fuel economy and an increase in miles per gallon.

The Better Business Bureau warns consumers to beware of false claims from marketers of so-called fuel saving devices. Many of these products claim to improve fuel efficiency, reduce harmful emissions and reduce engine wear and tear. These devices typically attach to the engine or gas that many Web sites make unbelievable claims for various after-market automotive devices (fuel-line magnets, air bleed devices and retrofit gadgets) and oil and gasoline additives that supposedly increase gas mileage for automobiles.

Before adding any fuel-savings device to your vehicle, check with your mechanic. You may end up with a voided manufacturers warranty and serious engine problems by adding after market devices to your engine. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has evaluated over a hundred alleged gas saving devices and found that none significantly improved gas mileage. Some even damaged car engines or caused substantial increases in exhaust emissions. Consumers should be skeptical of devices when significant fuel savings are claimed, over enthusiastic testimonials are used in support of claims, claims are difficult for consumers to evaluate, or if the product is advertised with implied government approval.

Other Considerations

BBB offers these fuel-saving tips:

• Choose the right octane for your car. Check your owner’s manual to find out what octane your car requires.

• Keep your engine tuned. A poorly tuned engine can increase fuel consumption by as much as 10 to 20 percent. Follow the recommended maintenance schedule in your owner’s manual; you will save fuel and your car will run better and last longer.

• Don’t let your engine idle any longer than necessary. With most gasoline engines, it is more efficient to turn off the engine than to idle for any period longer than 30 seconds.

• Drive more efficiently. Stay within the posted speed limits. The faster you drive the more fuel you use. Set your cruise control on highway trips.

• Keep tires properly inflated and aligned. Automobile manufacturers must place a label in the car stating the correct tire pressure. If the label lists a psi (pounds per square inch) range, use the higher number to maximize your fuel efficiency.

• Anticipate driving conditions. Driving smoothly and steadily makes the best use of your fuel. Avoid sudden acceleration or braking.

• Change oil and replace air filters regularly.

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Water for Gas

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Ozzie Freedom (CEO)
