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12761 Moreno Beach Drive, Suite 102
Moreno Valley, CA 92555
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(951) 242-3334

Monday-Saturday: 10:00 AM-9:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM-8:00 PM

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Posted on 1/25/2015

Liars, Crooks, Thieves. Do not shop here!!!

THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL VERIZON STORE! That makes a BIG difference!!! I decided to switch from T-Mobile to Verizon. I started out at one Verizon store in Riverside, but a very intense manager made me reconsider. I left, not realizing she had run a sale on my card before I got out the door and with no phone to show for it. I felt bad for the salesperson because he had really been the one to sell me on the phone and I didn't want him to miss out on his commission. He asked me if I would go to this Moreno Valley store, and they would process the commission under his name. I agreed. That's where the trouble began. When I came to this Verizon "premium retailer," I worked with Steven, the manager. At first, everything seemed too good to be true! He asked what my conversation with the previous salesperson had been, and I clarified that I'd had the option of purchasing my phone outright with two-year contract (an out of pocket charge of about $200) with a monthly bill of just a bit over $60 per month, or to pay taxes and SIM card only (an out of pocket charge of $57) with a monthly bill of $27 more per month with the Edge program. I told Steven I would rather pay for the phone upfront. He had Dulce work on the paperwork, and then he walked around the store grabbing things off the shelves and placing them in a bag. He said these free items were to make up for my bad experience, and he hoped this would be a good one. He put into the bag: An extra pair of earphones, a phone case, an extra charger, a screen protector, and something called a Selfie Stick. I went home and felt pretty good about it... Until about five or six days later, when I checked my bill online. Suddenly, the bill that was supposed to be about $67 per month was $107--a full $40 more than I had been expecting. I called the store directly, and Steven passed me off to Dulce, who spoke with Verizon customer service. Dulce said that my bill was supposed to be $60, PLUS $27 for the Edge. I kept insisting emphatically that I had paid for the phone outright, and Dulce became upset and put Steven on the line. Steven was then confrontational, insisting that the $198 I paid in-store encompassed both taxes and a signup fee. That night, I went and looked into the Verizon Edge program. Verizon's website ( says, "Verizon Edge monthly payments will vary depending on the price of the device, but there's no finance fee or upgrade fee to join the program." I then called Verizon directly and explained the situation to the representative. He said it sounded very strange that they had charged me an up-front fee, and on my request he called the store while I was on hold. When he got back on the line, he said he had spoken with Dulce, who said $150 of the $198 WAS PAYMENT FOR ACCESSORIES!!! THE ACCESSORIES I WAS TOLD WERE FREEBIES!! I told the representative about this, and he became very serious and said he had heard of the Premium Retailers doing this before. He advised me to go back and return the "free" items. He said to have the store call Customer Service if there were any issues, and he made a very extensive note regarding my call. I went to the store within 20 minutes of the call. When I first went in, Steven was not going to accept a return of the items he had given me for free. He then REFUSED to call Customer Service, and told me that he was going to ask me to leave the store if I kept on. I then called Customer Service (since Steven refused) and told them the entire situation and about the note that had been put on the account by the previous representative. I told the rep that Steven refused to call Customer Service from the store and requested they call the store directly and speak with him. Steven picked up the call and placed it on hold. I was visibly upset about the situation (as I'm sure you can imagine), and another representative who was working with a Spanish-speaking man began talking about me in Spanish to him (apparently they didn't think a white girl would understand), saying that I was crazy and was making trouble. I let it slide because I needed to focus.When Steven started talking to the representative, he was belligerent at first, then started making excuses, then finally seemed to understand the gravity of the situation. After he hung up, the Customer Services rep came back on my line and told me that Steven would only take the accessories back if I also gave the phone back. At this point, I was fine with whatever got me out of this terrible deal. I returned all accessories and the phone. I ended up going to a REAL Verizon store and purchasing the same phone, at roughly the same out-of-pocket payment ($212 versus $198), and my monthly bill went from $107 to $69. By going with an ACTUAL Verizon store, I am saving $912 over the next 24 months!! SAVE MONEY, DO NOT SHOP HERE! THEY ARE CROOKS WHO WILL LIE, CHEAT, AND STEAL!!!

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0 complaints against 4G Wireless closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
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0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

4G Wireless is a Premium Retailer for Verizon Wireless and is a one-stop-shop to see, touch, and learn about Verizon Wireless products and services.

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Business Started: 5/3/2005

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