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Call him! You will be happy you did. HE'S THAT GOOD! And he'll tell you honestly if he can't do it.
Call Brandon of A-10 Operations for all your HVAC needs, in fact, he is rather a jack-of-all-trades, so don't hesitate to call him first for any repair! HE'S THAT GOOD! And he'll tell you honestly if he can't do it. My AC started blowing hot air on Friday of a triple digit weekend here in ACTON. We did all the DIY fixes but no go. I called several HVAC companies on Saturday afternoon- got all answering machines and answering services taking messages, until I looked in Country Journal and called Brandon. He answered the phone! After I explained the issue and what we had done already, he asked me a couple of pertinent questions- model of unit, was there oil on the ground, had me listen to fan to ascertain if compressor on also. Said no problem, he thought it might be the capacitor. (Whew, that sounded affordable already.) Brandon said he couldn't make it out here that night (I was stunned he even considered! Most wouldn't make the effort!) We arranged for him to come out on Sunday afternoon. He had the parts on his truck and had it repaired lickety split. And we only had to endure 90 degree temp in house for a short while. What I really appreciated was him sharing his knowledge so I could do some maintenance myself (changing filter, cleaning outside unit. Here in ACTON, the dust is horrendous!). His professional demeanor is PHENOMENAL- knowledgable, approachable, positive attitude, I could go on and on. Plus he accepts credit cards! Even though he charges the processing fee back to you, it sure is convenient on a weekend emergency situation! Call him! You will be happy you did.
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Company Info
A-10 Operations, Inc. provides professional heating, ventilating, and air conditioning services in Granada Hills and surrounding areas.
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