77 inquiries | General Auto Repair Services
(617) 514-3531
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Better communication better customer service don't make people waiting for no reason. Treat customer better.
I been here sitting more than 5 hours trying to put two tire and one more thing for my car. they wont tell me why is taking too long. I sit here hungry tired in this cold place. I couldn't make to my job. I lost 4 hours work because they wont tell me when my car was done. This is the worst place. sitting here with headache hungry mad.
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This company's business is general auto repair services.
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Companies offering to perform automotive repair are required to be licensed with the California Bureau of Automotive Repair. For the most up-to-date information regarding license status, consumers may contact the Bureau of Automotive Repair by calling (800) 952-5210 or visiting their website at www.autorepair.ca.gov.For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.
BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.
California law affords you certain rights when you have repairs made to your automobile. Repair shops are required to display a sign informing you of these rights. They include, for example, the right to a written repair estimate, to a detailed invoice of labor and parts, and to the return of any parts replaced, provided you request the return at the time you order the work and provided that your warranty does not require that the be returned to the manufacturer.A repair service may not perform repairs beyond those listed in the estimate without your authorization. However, if they have to tear down a component to give you an estimate, you may have to pay for the labor to tear it down and reassemble it. You will know beforehand, though, what the charge for that will be. You should never sign a blank work order, and a reputable dealer will not ask you to.For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.
We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.
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