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Abco Technology, Inc. is a Los Angeles Computer Training Facility offering courses in Adobe, Certified Internet Webmaster, Database Administration, IT Computer Repair And Network Support Classes, Microsoft Learning and Much More.
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The Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Reform Act (Act) became inoperative on June 30 2007 and was repealed on January 1 2008. Currently in California there is no regulatory body with oversight of private postsecondary schools. Currently no approval is required.
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Assembly Bill 1525 which created the voluntary agreement and Senate Bill 45 which amended and extended Assembly Bill 1525 both became inoperative on July 1 2008. While we encourage schools to comply with the Act as it existed on June 30 2007 we are no longer accepting voluntary agreements.~~If you are a school and plan on offering a curriculum that may lead to licensure certification or registration please check with the agency or entity that licenses certifies or registers the profession in order to confirm that your students may be eligible for licensure certification or registration upon completion of the program you intend to offer.~~If you are a student please check with the licensing certifying or registering agency or entity to be sure you will be able to become licensed certified or registered prior to enrolling in school. For more information on what to look for when evaluating a potential private postsecondary institution please click on the "Students" tab above.~~Presently there is one piece of legislation that has been introduced that would create the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE). The BPPE would have regulatory oversight of private postsecondary schools. If you are interested in viewing that legislation you should visit www.leginfo.ca.gov click on "Bill Information" at the bottom of the page and type "AB 48" in the space provided.~~If you would like to receive updates from the Department of Consumer Affairs regarding private postsecondary issues you may sign up by clicking the "subscribe for e-mail updates..." link under the Quick Hits section on the left hand side of this page.
We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.
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