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Proud member since 01/09/2008This company is a Charter Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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Active Captive Management specializes in the structuring of captive insurance & mangement of captive insurance companies for small and medium sized companies
Since 2005, Active Captive Management has provided alternative risk solutions, formation and management services to a wide range of operating companies. As an independent captive manager, ACM values the strategic alliances and partnerships with our client’s advisors and representatives. As each client is unique, the design of specialized captive risk solutions must be tailored appropriately to those specific risks. Combining over three decades of insurance experience, ACM provides risk transfer solutions in the following industries; Agriculture, Automotive, Construction, Distribution and Warehousing, Engineering, Food and Beverage, Fuel and Oil, Healthcare Services, Manufacturing, Nursing Homes, Real Estate Development and Technology.At Active Captive Management, we provides comprehensive services encompassing tax consulting, financial accounting, diverse insurance risk analysis and related coverage protection policy underwriting and claims processing.
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