129 inquiries | Foreclosure Consultants | Business Alert
(323) 722-7740
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This company's business is providing real estate services.
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California Department of Real Estate
Verified License
License Number: 01426448 Status: Expired
California Law requires foreclosure consultants to be licensed by the Department of Real Estate (DRE) and obtain a bond by a surety insurer in an amount equal to at least twice the fair market value of the real property that is the subject of the contract. The consultant is required to provide evidence of compliance in writing as well as a statement under penalty of perjury that they are licensed and bonded. Failure to comply with these requirements renders the contract void. To verify licensing contact the DRE by writing to 2201 Broadway Sacramento CA 95818-2500 by calling 916 227-0931 faxing 916-227-0925 or visit their website at www.dre.ca.gov.
BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.
This company provides real estate services which include foreclosure consulting. Our past experience with companies offering similar services has been that these companies misrepresent their ability to stop foreclosure fail to perform services as promised clients homes are often foreclosed on and refunds are difficult to obtain. ~~These companies typically offer to stop foreclosure on your home and assist in obtaining a repayment plan from your mortgage company. Some companies may make reference to your mortgage company in their solicitation implying an affiliation or may use other insignia or names that imply a relationship or affiliation with a mortgage company or government agency. Despite their claims these companies do not have affiliations with any government agency or any special relationship with your mortgage company. Nor do they as they may imply have the ability to obtain more lenient repayment terms than you may be able to obtain by contacting your mortgage company directly. Complaints concerning similar offers allege that these companies misrepresent their ability to stop foreclosure fail to perform services as promised and generally deny requests for refunds based on non-performance.~~Foreclosure consultants and their representatives are required by California Law to have a valid current California Real Estate Sales License and must have a bond by a surety insurer in an amount equal to at least twice the fair market value of the real property that is the subject of the contract. The representative must provide this in writting and also a statement in writting under penalty of perjury that they are properly licensed and bonded. Failure to comply with these requirements renders the contract void. By law the contract must also provide for a three-day cancellation right and no monies must be paid prior to performing all the services set forth in the contract. Generally failure to provide the cancellation notice means that your right to cancel exists until you are notified as required and the cancellation period has expired. Despite the law’s protections if you are not dealing with a reputable company you may find it difficult to enforcehave the law enforced.
Our files show disconnected phone numbers, returned mail or both. The company appears to be out of business. We cannot trace addresses of companies or principals. General information is available upon request which may assist you.
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