Member | 710 inquiries | Plumbing Drain and Sewer Cleaning Services
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Proud member since 06/05/2024This company is a Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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Company Info
American Jetting Services, Inc., provides plumbing, sewer and drain cleaning services, specializing in hydro-jetting.
Hydro-jetting is a sewer cleaning process that utilizes low volumes of water under very high pressure with a special system designed to literally scour the walls of various types of pipes including storm and sewer drain systems. We use a five hundred foot long high pressure hose giving us the capability of cleaning any sewer line at any location. We offer the very best in quality services, competitive rates and preventive maintenance program is available.
Interested in American Jetting Services, Inc.®? Contact them directly!
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California State Contractors License Board
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License Number: 845651 Status: Active
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