89 inquiries | Barber Shops
(618) 985-6025
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they are over serving people and letting them leave their facility. S
I am a 25-year American legion member. My fiance and I always attended the Hancock American legion in Maryland. There was an evening when he was over served liquor and when I brought it up to the board I was thrown out. I was barred for three months and I do not feel that that was right for them to put me out for 3 months when I was only bringing up a concern to the men's meeting. There I was chastised and told I was a liar things were made up that I never said. I'm proud to be an American legion member. And I would never do anything all I wanted them to know is is that they're over serving liquor to people and then they are leaving there and this is a problem. I would like to see the two men that run it out of there due to the fact that not only are they taking money from the patrons on a game called Queen of the hearts. But also they are over serving people and letting them leave their facility. Someone is going to get hurt with them leaving there that drunk. They even made it aware to me and other members in the meeting that my fiance was going out and drinking beer in his vehicle on their property. This is not permitted in any establishment .
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This company's nature of business is Barber Shops
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In California, individuals and companies offering barber or cosmetology services are required to obtain a license. For the most up-to-date information regarding licensing status and general information, consumers may contact the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology by calling (800) 952-5210 or by visiting their website at www.barbercosmo.ca.gov or by email at [email protected].For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.
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