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Complainants allege misleading advertising, unauthorized credit card charges, receipt of unwanted merchandise, and difficulty implementing cancellation procedures. Some complainants allege that they agreed to a trial offer only, and was not aware they were enrolled in a continuity program. Customers complain after repeated attempts to cancel, shipments are stopped, but the company continues billing them monthly. In most cases complainants allege that the company sold their information and credit card number to another affiliates who also charged their credit cards for products or services.The company has responded to a few complaints by agreeing to refunds, or canceling shipments. They have failed to respond to most complaints presented by our office.
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This company's business is the sales of health supplements.
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This company's product, Nature's Acai, is marketed by a locally based fulfillment center. The company actually appears to be located in Reno, Nevada, and has another location in Phoenix, Arizona. The product is advertised on various websites which offer a free trial for a shipping and handling fee of $4.95 conditionally upon enrollment in their home delivery program. By submitting an order for the trial offer, respondents agree to pay the non-refundable shipping & handling charge for the free trial bottle. If you cancel before the end of your trial period, you will not be charged anything else. Your trial period begins when you place your order and includes processing, shipping, and transit time. If you do not cancel before the end of your trial period, the company will ship you a 30-day supply of the product on the day your trial is over, and every thirty (30) days thereafter until you choose to cancel these continuing shipments. No further notice will be sent to you. Upon sending each 30 day shipment, the company will automatically charge the credit card you used to order your free trial bottle. By agreeing to the trial offers' terms and conditions, you have also agreed to allow the company to supply your billing information to their affiliates for additional unrelated products or services which you may, or may not have authorized transactions with. It has been our experience with this company and with similar offers, that affiliates or partners billing for these unwanted products or services failed to provide adequate disclosures to consumers, or used other deceptive practices to complete the transaction.We urge caution before agreeing to trial offers or giving your credit card number to unfamiliar companies with unfamiliar products. Although this company's offer is advertised as free, the charge imposed for shipping and handling of the product, actually makes the offer NOT free. Once your credit card number has been provided to cover shipping and handling, it will remain on file with the seller for shipping and billing purposes. If you forget to cancel, or for any reason fail to do so, your card number is readily available to bill for your first shipment of product.Although the company's website make cancellation procedures appear fast and easy, in reality customers report that cancellation requests are ignored, calls are not returned, credit cards continue to be charged, and unwanted product shipments continue to arrive. This company's free trial is conditional upon accepting their offer for additional product. FTC Guidelines for advertising this type of offer require that all terms and conditions of the offer, as well as cancellation instructions, be clearly and conspicuously displayed in at least 10 point type before asking for payment or obtaining the customer's consent. Clearly and conspicuously means, NOT disclosed in microscopic print accessed by a web blink to another site, but rather, disclosed along with the free trial solicitation. Regardless, many consumers overlook the advisory, and are unaware of the charge until their next monthly credit card statement. In this company's case, consumers complain they are unable to cancel services by using the instruction provided by the company. Even worse, they are unable to contact the company at all. Emails are not returned or acknowledged, and calls are not returned. Industry guidelines require marketers to provide a fast easy method of canceling, either by mail, phone, or website, Failure to do so may be a violation of consumer protection laws.Most credit card issuers will allow the cardholder 60 days to dispute an unauthorized or inaccurate charge. Review your monthly statement carefully. If you discover a charge which is unfamiliar, investigate and dispute the amount with your card issuer as soon as possible to protect yourself from making unwanted purchases.
The Better Business Bureau of Tuscon, AZ also has a reliability report available on this company. You may visit the report by visiting their website at http://www.tucson.bbb.org.
BCA has no information regarding advertising review at this time.
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