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Proud member since 05/18/2010This company is a Charter Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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Atlantic Investments is a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) in the State of California. Specialties are investment planning, retirement planning, tax planning, insurance planning and wealth management.
Atlantic Investments is a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) in the State of California. As an RIA, the firm advisors have a fiduciary duty to their clients; meaning that they have a legal obligation to provide proper investment advice and always act in the best interests of their clients at all times. Unlike a Wirehouse Rep or Broker Dealer, Atlantic Investments is fee-based only advisory firm and does not receive commissions for sale or purchase of securities. As an RIA, we are able to provide complete transparency without conflict of interest that may arise when a broker sells a fund run by their own firm. In today’s world the talking heads in the media one day are saying the market is bullish and the next day saying the market is going to crash. They are constantly getting investors excited one day and instilling fear the next day. Today we live in a very volatile economy filled with uncertainty and unfortunately fear and greed is driving the investment decisions of many. Atlantic Investments has partnered with a strategic team of experienced advisors, Chartered Financial Analyst, (CFA’s), Certified Financial Planners (CFP’s), Certified Public Accountants (CPA’s) that have earned a J.D. or MBA. Our strategic team of financial experts provide a transparent path forward to financial freedom. Many financial advisors associated with banks and brokerage houses promote proprietary funds. As a fee-only based advisor, we do not promote proprietary funds for commissions and are able to ensure total objectivity. This allows us to focus on only the client’s needs and goals. team2Whether you are just starting out, building wealth, preparing to retire, or already are retired, our strategic team is prepared to help clients which desire safety, security, and tax benefits. More importantly strategic solutions to avoid loss opportunity and still provide a guaranteed income they cannot outlive. Philanthropy Atlantic Investments has made it a corporate responsibility to expand the firm’s efforts in philanthropy. For many years our team has put focus on supporting local charities by donating time, money, and resources. Atlantic and our team members are well respected and recognized in their local communities for these efforts. Atlantic Investments respects and supports all charities that help others in need. Some of our favorite causes include Make-A-Wish Foundation, Best Buddies International, American Red Cross, and Gradient Gives Back Community Outreach Program. Atlantic Investments has a goal to continually give and do all we can to help those who cannot help themselves. Philanthropy is an important part of the culture of Atlantic Investments and we welcome any opportunity to get involved in your local community charity as well as charities abroad. Please email our Director of Philanthropy at [email protected] to learn more about our current contributions or to provide us information on ways we can get involved in your charitable cause.
Interested in Atlantic Investments A Registered Investment Advisor, Inc? Contact them directly!
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California Department of Insurance
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License Number: 0K32286 Status: Active
Businesses offering Investment Adviser services may be required to be registered as an Investment Adviser Broker Representative or Brokerage Firm with the US Securities and Exchange Commission - Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). For up-to-date information about this company's IARD FINRA registration #154001 please visit Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Broker Check
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