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  174 inquiries |
Pet Store Retail

184 The Shops at Mission Viejo Mall
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
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(949) 364-4384

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based on 1 review.

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 10/6/2015

They lied to me and were doing an illegal business practice by advertising one price, then going back to higher price.

I went into the company looking at the puppies. I saw one I loved but the price was $299, which was reduced from a much higher price. I still did not feel I could come up with that amount immediately so I told the sales person I loved the dog but needed another week to have the money. I went back in several times to greet her and to see if the puppy was still there, and he was. I walked in one day and saw that the price was lowered to $199, which was clearly marked on the puppy's cage. It specified that it was the peke-bichon puppy. I went home to talk with my husband about it and then called the store and told them I wanted the dog, would pick it up the next day after I had a procedure at the hospital and would pay cash and be there about 4:00 PM. They said that was good and they would hold the dog. When I asked for the price of the dog it turned out that it was $315. The had said originally that the puppy was $299 and later $199. When I asked for the total they said there would be an extra $100 to include the chip, puppy shots, and tax. Originally they said the price of the dog was as marked and stated that included the chip, which was already done, full shots, and tax. After I asked them to give me the out the door price they added $100 and then said that extra was for the chip, shots, and tax. Their story changed by $100 more from the start once I wanted the total. I still wanted the dog so had asked them to hold him until the next day, which they assured me they would. The next day when I called from the hospital just to insure they were holding the puppy is when they told me the policy changed and the puppy was no longer $199 but went back up to $299 plus the $100 extra. That was the day after I asked them to hold it for the price of $199 which was the labeled price. I argued with them about their actions not being the advertised price, their bad business practice and bad customer service. The truth was that they lied to me and were doing an illegal business practice by advertising one price, promising me the dog, and then once I wanted it they went back to the higher price.

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Complaints and Resolutions

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Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Complainants allege the puppies purchased are sick or have illnesses that are not disclosed prior to purchase. Many allege they have to take the puppies to the veterinarian within days of the purchase and find out the pet has not received proper vaccinations or they have diseases. Complainants further allege difficulty obtaining refunds or reimbursement for medical bills incurred due to the puppy’s illnesses. In some cases the complainants allege the company fails to honor their money back guarantee.~~The company responds to some complaints by issuing refunds denying allegations that the animal was sick when purchased or agreeing to reimburse customers for the puppy’s medical bills.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Barkworks closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

This company's business is selling pets and pet supplies.

Primary Contact: Customer Service (Representative)
Business Started: 1/1/1972

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Barkworks Pet Stores
Bark Works
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Greg Fernandez (Assistant Manager)
Julia Martin (Manager)
Robin Hofer (President)
