411 inquiries | Loan Companies
(949) 716-2100
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BCA's Summary and Analysis:
Some complainants allege the company fails to fund equipment leases and does not honor the original terms and conditions of the lease agreement. Complainants indicate the company offers a pre-approved equipment lease and requires an advance deposit. However after sending the required deposit complainants report the interest rate length of term or payment amount changes or the company is unable to fund the lease at all. Complainants request refunds however some complain the company only refunds a portion of their initial deposit. ~~The company generally responds to complaints by indicating the customer was approved for and executed the lease agreement and by stating that the terms of the lease did not significantly change. The company states complainants decided not to continue with the lease funding after they were approved and states they are willing to apply any deposits received towards future funding. In some cases the company indicates the complainant was unable to be approved for financing or by referring to the terms of the contract which states the deposits are non-refundable. The company responds to other complaints by issuing refunds.
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This company's business is providing equipment financing services.
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