256 inquiries | Barbecue Equipment and Supplies
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Tremendously Disapointing
Bought $11,000.00 worth of equipment - Outdoor Fireplace, Fire Pit, Barbecue Island with palapa, Lion grill, refrigerator, sink, drawers. Once it was dropped off they wanted nothing to do with me. They put nothing in writing for warranty on any of their equipment. Of particular concern was their slapping indoor fire boxes in their outdoor fireplaces. When I queried about how long they'd guarantee no-rust on the firebox I was told that if I purchased glass doors through them they'd 'extend the warranty', which I agreed to do. Upon purchasing a log set and burner I called and advised them to order the glass doors and that I'd appreciate help with log and burner installation. They stated they'd order the doors. After three weeks of log set and burner sitting on my kitchen floor I called back for a status and was told they couldn't get the doors and to look on the internet for them myself. If I encounter any problems with my $11,000.00 investment I intend to litigate.
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