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5405 Alton Parkway Suite 5A-353
Irvine, CA 92604
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(949) 786-9580


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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against BHR & Assoc. closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

This company's business is offering debt negotiation services and a debt negotiation consulting business opportunity.

Primary Contact: Mark Berglas (Principal)
Business Started: 1/1/1981

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California law requires that some business opportunities to register and post a bond with the California Attorney General's Office.

To verify registration and bonding requirements, contact the California Attorney General by calling (916) 322-3360.

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

According to the company, they offer to assist in consumers in settling debts for no up-front fees but for 35% of the debt savings after a settlement is reach and approved by the client.

In addition, they offer a debt negotiation consulting agreement for $495. The agreement entitles the participant to sell the debt negotiations services of BHR with a subsequent split of the fees earned from any settlements.

Other Considerations

Our experience with debt negotiating companies is that they attract heavily indebted clients by claiming to be able to settle the clients’ debts for far less than the amount owed and to stop creditors’ calls. They often claim, also, that their services are more effective than those provided by credit counseling services.

These companies usually instruct their clients to stop paying their creditors. Some companies direct them to make their payments to the debt negotiation company instead and promise, when the company has accumulated enough to offer a cash settlement to one or more creditors (which can take as long as two or three years), to pay off the debt. The debtor must pay fees to the service during the time the payments are accumulating.

Other companies simply collect the fees and advise debtors to save their money to pay their creditors themselves. California law limits the amount of fees debt negotiators can charge you, but by not collecting the money and distributing it to your creditors for you, companies can remove themselves from the limiting statutes and charge whatever they wish. What they are supposed to do for you while you’re saving up your money is to contact your creditors and inform them that they’re working with you, negotiate the amount to settle your debt, and ask them stop contacting you.

However the company operates, though, complainants allege that creditors continue to harass them, fees and interest continue to accumulate, the companies do not contact the creditors, creditors increase their collection efforts and sometimes sue for payment, the debtor’s credit is ruined, and they end up worse than before they contacted the service.

Debtors may not realize that if their creditors do accept a negotiated settlement, the amount forgiven constitutes taxable income.

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Berglas, Hill, Ryan & Associates
Berglas Hill Ryan & Associates
Berglas Hill & Ryan
B H R & Associates



Rhonda Berglas (Treasurer/Secretary)

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