113 inquiries | Convenience Stores
(508) 991-2400
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Very ignorant and rude
I was in Bliss Corner waiting to get my truck worked on I requested the key to the bathroom I just seen another customer use the bathroom and return the key to the front counter I walked up to the desk and asked if I could use the bathroom and they told me no do the covid-19 mandates and I had explained to them that the mandates were lifted and that if they were really worried about the mandates than they should be six feet apart and not sneezing on each other in an enclosed area which they were doing they refused me use of the bathroom because they thought that I had covid-19 and when I told them that I was suffering from an upper respiratory infection and did not have covid-19 and was willing to show them my test results from Monday and show them my covid-19 card they were not interested they just simply told me that I could not use the bathroom do to covid-19 restrictions and that was their reasoning for refusing the bathroom to me when that is not why because a woman had just used it before me they were not following in abiding by the six foot distancing recommendations nor were they wearing a mask in two of The mechanics were visibly sick and still working they refused me the use of the bathroom which caused me to soil myself because I couldn't make it in time the back to my house it's embarrassing it's unethical and it's inappropriate for them to treat me like this before I left I spoke to the manager and the clerk at the counter there were both very ignorant and rude
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This company's business is a convenience store, gas station, used car dealer and provides general auto repair services
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