379 inquiries | Work-At-Home Business Opportunities
(917) 603-3945
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Terrible “company”.
They are awful! I do believe this “business “ is a scam. The address provided is a UPS store in Bakersfield, California. The “software “ they send is nothing but forms. They are extremely difficult to get in touch with. They do not respond to phone calls, texts or emails. I have asked for a refund of my $199. They never provided me with the “work” I was supposed to get to start working at home. They need to be shut down.
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This company's business is work-at-home business opportunities.
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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.
BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.
We advise against sending money to companies making these kind of offers. Most advertise on the Internet, via email, or in the help wanted sections of newspapers and other publications. The companies placing the ads are not hiring anyone. Their actual business is deceptive advertising designed to entice the public to send fees to get started. Addresses given are usually mail drops, advertised phone numbers reach recordings and calls are not returned, and no local phone numbers are listed. Most work-at-home companies advertise in states other than where they are located so as to avoid prosecution. Complaints about other companies engaging in similar types of businesses generally allege that once money is sent, respondents fail to receive the promised employment. Some complain that the company does nothing more than advise them to place the same kind of ad in their own local papers. In other cases, customers receive nothing from the company. Most of these offers are made in conjunction with a money-back guarantee, but our experience is that few customers are able to obtain refunds despite the guarantee.
We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.
BCA has no information regarding advertising review at this time.
DBAs:There are no additional DBAs.
Websites:There are no additional web sites.
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