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Proud member since 01/26/1999This company is a Charter Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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Company Info
Bryco Plumbing is a licensed plumbing contractor providing repairs, installation, and maintenance on commercial and residential properties.
Every Los Angeles plumbing problem qualifies as a household emergency, and veteran tradesmen generally agree there is no such thing as an “easy” plumbing job. Whether you desperately need repairs or want to create your dream kitchen, the finest Los Angeles plumbers are eager to prove their skill and earn your trust. Consumer advocates and plumbers themselves offer three recommendations. We offer free estimates on all repairs, replacements , or installations. Please ask your plumber for more information. WHY CHOOSE US? We understand how important it is to service your plumbing and drainage needs in a professional and courteous manner, and to arrive on time. LATEST TECHNOLOGY Always up-to-date with the latest in available plumbing technologies. COMMUNITY SUPPORT We support critically ill children. The Dream Factory grants dreams to children diagnosed with critical or chronic illnesses who are 3 through 18 years of age.
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California State Contractors License Board
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License Number: 708581 Status: Active
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