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Good at plumbing, unreliable at appointments
The first time that I called Buchmayer Plumbing, I was very happy with the service and even referred them to 2 friends. However, I called for another plumbing job and made an appointment and waited at home that day at the designated time. No one ever showed, nor did I receive a call telling me what happened. About 2 weeks later, I found out that the same thing happened to one of the people to whom I had referred Buchmayer. No show- no call. They are good at what they do, just pretty unreliable. I'll call someone else the next time, I can't take time off work for a no show company.
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Company Info
Buchmayer Plumbing & Home Repair provides professional plumbing and home improvement services . Whether your repair requests are large or small, we will put the same effort in to get it done effectively.
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