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(951) 840-4188
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Proud member since 10/12/2012This company is a Charter Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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Budica Financial Corporation offers professional mortgage financial services, specializing in refinancing.
Buying or refinancing a house can be a big undertaking. Let us find the loan program that's right for you. We have a team of mortgage experts who are ready to assist you with this big financial commitment. For guidance in locating the right loan program for your situation, please call (951)840-4188.There will be a significant feeling of achievement in the purchase of a house that can overshadow any angst you may have had at the beginning of the process. You didn't search for a home that was perfect for someone else; you looked for the home that was ideal for you! Our trusted professionals can help you choose the mortgage program that best suits you, too. Getting the best mortgage loan can be as fulfilling as being given the keys to your new house! We can help you make it happen.
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California Department of Real Estate
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License Number: 01915532 Status: Licensed
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