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CaMu Financial & Insurance Services, Inc.

 Member | 1,169 inquiries |
Financial Planning and Management Services

28212 Kelly Johnson Parkway #130
Valencia, CA 91355
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(661) 977-3371

Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM- 5:00 PM Only By Appointment

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Proud member since 03/17/2011
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0 complaints against CaMu Financial & Insurance Services, Inc. closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
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0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
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Company Info

CAMU a leading educator of retirement, living trust & life insurance, CaMu Financial & Insurance Services company base each client meeting on a philosophy of being real:

Primary Contact: Mary Mikhail (CFO)
Business Started: 7/12/2007
About CaMu Financial & Insurance Services, Inc.

We have a wealth of knowledge and experience in helping clients to deal with sensitive issues, such as life time retirement income, tax free retirement income & transfer the client wealth with integrity, honesty and empathy.

Our goals are to work with our client on the following:

1- Risk Management

Being affluent brings about a host of financial concerns, from the potential liabilities associated with wealth to the possible predicaments affluence can generate. Our clients require expert planning to minimize their susceptibility and help protect them from the unexpected. This includes services to analyze insurance coverage, offer solutions that meet a client's goals, manage risk relating to a client's assets, and assemble any outside resources to present only the best, most applicable, products.

2- Estate Planning

One of the more complicated areas of financial planning comes towards the end of one's life. The lack of complete, thorough estate planning can have a serious impact on a client's heirs. It's crucial that affluent individuals have access to the best advice available. CaMu Financial advises clients on all of the many facets of estate planning, including how they can combine their estate plans with tax, savings, business, and insurance planning. We can also manage the problems which stem from having a large inheritance, help a client determine a financial plan, and utilize strategies to allocate assets. With CaMu Financial on their side, our clients can remain confident that future generations will be cared for and that their legacy will endure.

3-Tax Strategy
As an individual's team of certified retirement financial advisors expands, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage a comprehensive financial plan. CaMu financial works to combine a professional tax planning strategy with all of our client's financial decision-making. We can develop strategies to help reduce a client's total tax burden, help with tax-intensive savings, and provide alternative structures to facilitate tax advantages.

4- Charitable Giving Approaches

Another service we offer relates to the charitable giving opportunities available to the affluent community. We can identify and research those organizations that best fit a client's interests, then design a strategy to fit a client's individual needs. Our team can assist you in the establishment and administration of family foundations, charitable trusts, and grant-making opportunities. CaMu financial charitable giving approaches help clients concentrate on the subjects they are most interested in without getting bogged down by the managerial aspects of complex financial planning.

To learn more about how our services can enhance your current financial plan contact us today.

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California Department of Insurance

Verified License

License Number: 0F74425
Status: Active

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California Mutual Financial & Insurance Services

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Dr. Rafeek Mikhail (CEO)

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