832 inquiries | Air Conditioning & Heating Contractors
(714) 808-7898
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They followed through and kept at it until it was done. they came everyday and were good hard workers. They were on time.
Champion Aire Heating and Conditioning did excellent work. We replaced our heating and air conditioning. They followed through and kept at it until it was done. they came everyday and were good hard workers. They were on time. The units worked really well. My husband found them online. We made bids with 7 contractors and chose them because the bid was itemized to see what we were getting and not just the price. They were not the lowest bid, but they walked through the house and made good suggestions that we did not think of. They sounded like they knew what they were doing and their confidence showed us what they were really saying. Eddie himself monitored the bid to make sure everything was done right. They were very respectful with me and my house and cleaned up when they left every day. It took like two weeks to complete the job.
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From general repair to installation to replacing current heating and cooling systems, our experienced SPECIALIST will work toward finding the best solution for your individual needs.
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California State Contractors License Board
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License Number: 1025819 Status: Active
Companies offering to provide construction services which total $500 or more are required to obtain licensing and a bond with the Contractors State License Board. We suggest that you verify licensing with the California Contractor's State License Board (CSLB). For the most up to date information on license status you may call the Board at 1-800-321-CSLB, or visit their website at www.cslb.ca.gov.For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.
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