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Child's Play Child Care

  216 inquiries |
Child Care Centers and Services

5957 White Oak Avenue
Encino, CA 91316
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(818) 293-8123

Monday - Friday: 7:00am-6:00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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based on 9 reviews.

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 8/26/2016

Child's Play Child Care has been nothing short of fantastic.

Child's Play Child Care has been nothing short of fantastic. My daughter ("T") and our family have had an exceptional experience. T has been nourished creatively, educationally, socially, developmentally (in the mental and physical sense) and of course in the literal sense as well. I credit Miss Adrienne and her teachers for T being advanced at such an early age (verified by our pediatrician)- putting together full sentences at 18 months and having thorough conversations with her 4 year old sister at just 2 years old. She's compassionate, confident, empathic and has the sharpest sense of humor. I credit the school. I will be honest here though. We thought her stay at Child's Play was just temporary-a place to park her for a little while until we got into the daycare where T's older sister attended. My husband and I were in a bad situation when we were looking for childcare as T's nanny suddenly retired-and my husband and I (both of us working parents) were stranded with no one to watch her. We did the unthinkable-and did a random internet search for places in the area. Miss Adrienne's reviews were top notch-so we figured, what do we have to lose? We were nervous though since we didn't receive a personal referral but we were impressed by our meeting with her. As I mentioned, we decided we would park T there until we moved her to her sister's school when a spot there opened up. (I work for one of the major television/film studios and they have an excellent daycare/preschool for the employees' children.) But months passed, a year passed-and the Director of T's sister's school kept advising us that there was room for T. But we couldn't bear to move her from Child's Play. We fell in love with Miss Adrienne, Miss Maggie and everyone there- and T couldn't wait to go to school every morning. She would ask for the teachers over the weekends. She would talk about her friends and what she did with them at school when she came home. My husband and I would visit on parent visitation days and the kids' joy and comfort were overwhelmingly evident. We loved that T was safe and we witnessed her flourishing intellectually, socially and developmentally. There is a genuine love and immense compassion at Child's Play that isn't existent at other places. There isn't a robotic 1-10 checklist that the caretakers need to accomplish throughout the day. You don't see exhaustion or frustration that's pervasive at other places. This is a home and it's become T's home and it's become our home. I wholeheartedly recommend Child's Play Child Care to any family who's looking for a second home, a safe home--and an enlightening home. The parents will love it and their beloved child will love it. Without a doubt, 5 stars.

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We have received no complaints against this company.

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0 complaints against Child's Play Child Care closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

Offering a safe, nurturing environment where your child will get the attention and care that he or she needs. We are also state licensed as a home daycare facility and have met or exceeded all health and safety guidelines.

Primary Contact: Adrienne Bradley (Owner)
Business Started: 9/10/2004

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California law requires all child care facilities to be licensed by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD). The CCLD has responsibility for licensing Child Care facilities under the authority of the California Health and Safety Code.

To verify licensing for child care facilities, contact the Child Care Program Office by writing to them at, 744 P Street MS: 9-14-48, Sacramento, CA 95814, faxing them at 916-651-0531, or calling them at 916-651-6040. Their website address is Inland Empire residents may verify licensing locally by calling the Inland Empire Regional office at 951-782-4200.

For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.

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Bradley Family Child Care

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