60 inquiries | Work-At-Home Business Opportunities
(416) 830-9214
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This company's business is an alleged opportunity to be employed as a mystery shopper.
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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.
BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.
This company is allegedly offering the opportunity for respondents to earn $500 to $650 per week doing mystery shopper surveys. Purportedly your first assignment is to assess the service and general cleanliness of a major department store after purchasing an electronic item for $75 or less. As part of their enrollment process you are also required to send a Money Gram for $3125 to a third party to allegedly determine if the company’s agents are following unspecified guidelines as stipulated by law.According to the company’s letter we received they also enclose a check for $3,850 to complete these assignments. The letter indicates that the respondent is to keep $500, $75 for the product purchased, $150 for the money transfer fees, and $3,125 to the receiving agent. We urge caution. Our experience with similar offers is that the check is not worth the stated value – if anything. The company also indicates that they have a post office box in Los Angeles California but their telephone number originates in Toronto Canada. You are also likely to be responsible for the amount of the check provided for the money transfer and thus will likely lose twice the amount of the value of the check you received.
We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.
BCA has no information regarding advertising review at this time.
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Websites:There are no additional web sites.
Contacts:There are no additional contacts.
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