315 inquiries | Employment Training Service
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Enabled me to complete requirements to earn a Bachelor degree without interrupting my employment or income. OUTSTANDING !
In February 2017, I was employed by a bank and was being considered for a promotion to management as a contracts administrator, but it required that I have a Bachelor degree. At that time C.C.T.I.had been offering a legal studies program for 41 years which assured me that it would be a solid choice for me, and it was. I was allowed credit toward what I needed to complete my 120 units for a Bachelor degree for prior learning and my work experience.By completing their legal studies courses, and passing an open book exam, I earned my degree in less than four months. The course was interesting, convenient (100 online), and inexpensive.When I had questions, I was able to communicate with a coach by email, or I could log into one of the periodic round table discussions that were available online.When I first received the course materials online there was one book that did not display clearly on my computer (a PDF), because I did not have the correct software. When I notified the C.C.T.I. staff of this problem, they immediately (a) replaced the problem book with one in open text (b) sent me a copy of the software that I was missing at no charge (normally would cost $39.95), and (c) gave me a refund for the problem book even though they had already replaced it. I could not have asked for better support, and frankly, I was surprised at how fair, and eager to help, that they are. For anyone with too little time, and a small budget, this school, and this program, are ideal. The ability to "test-out" of subjects that I did not want or need, was a real time-saver for a college dropout like me.
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This company's nature of business provides career training services.
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