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Corporate Minutes Services

  170 inquiries |
Business Services

12021 Wilshire Blvd # 503
Los Angeles, CA 90025
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(310) 477-3235

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 1/11/2014


This appears to be coming the state. Very clever in how it looks so official. I can easily see how another person complaining made a payment and realized later that this service was completely unnecessary. Surprised the state has allowed them to stay in business with their deception. Glad I googled this before writing C.M.S. a check by January 27th or risk a pierced veil of limited corporation liability.

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Complaints and Resolutions

Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

We have received no complaints against this company.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Corporate Minutes Services closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

Corporate Minutes Services, Inc. provides corporate services to corporations.

Primary Contact: Enayat Kohanzad (Owner)
Business Started: 1/1/2001

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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

~ Some mailings can be deceptive or misleading and in some cases illegal. It is not uncommon for individuals to receive solicitations that look like invoices or that is made to appear like government notices.


~ Be aware it is illegal for anyone to mail a solicitation in the form of an invoice bill or statement of account due unless it conspicuously bears a notice on its face that it is in fact merely a solicitation. This disclaimer must state “This is a solicitation for the order of goods or services or both and not a bill invoice or statement of account due. You are under no obligation to make any payments on account of this offer unless you accept this offer” or “THIS IS NOT A BILL. THIS IS A SOLICITATION. YOU ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO PAY THE AMOUNT STATED ABOVE UNLESS YOU ACCEPT THIS OFFER.” The statement must be in very large (at least 30-point) type and must be in boldface capital letters in a color that contrasts prominently with the background against which it appears.


~ In addition mailings that appear to be from the government are not allowed unless the entity actually has a government connection endorsement or approval; it bears a notice that disclaims its authorized by the government agency; or the mailing is contained in a publication purchased or requested by the addressee.   


~ Oftentimes these solicitations are sent with the hopes that an unsuspecting recipient will pay the invoice. If you receive a mailing that looks like a bill carefully review it to make sure it is actually an invoice for services or goods you authorized. If you own a business alert your billing or accounting department or whoever is responsible for paying invoiced to be on the lookout for invoices from unfamiliar vendors or organizations. Verify all invoices before paying them.


~ If you are uncertain about a mailing that appears to be from a government agency carefully read the material inside the envelope. If the mailer is not being totally deceptive it should become clear whether the mailing is a deceptive government look-alike mailing from a private organization not connected with any government agency or program.


~ If you have received solicitations of this type you can file a complaint with Business Consumer Alliance and also contact the US Postal Inspector to investigate. 

Other Considerations

We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

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