65 inquiries | Garage Door Contractors
(401) 227-5607
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He did fix the problem
I had called Dependable Garage Door Services, LLC, to replace a damaged garage door, which they did promptly with friendly and skilled service technicians. A few days later I noticed the door wasn't closing all the way, leaving a 1" gap at the bottom, so I called to ask them to re-adjust it. The Owner said it wasn't his responsibility because it was the door opener motor that was the problem and he had not replaced that, only the door. I disagreed, and we argued about whose responsibility it was to properly adjust the door he had just installed. The motor was undamaged and could still open and close the damaged door. That is when I filed a complaint with BBB and informed him I had done so. He emailed back an angry reply, but ultimately agreed that he would come out to look at it. I agreed I would pay to have the motor replaced if he could prove to me that was the problem. The same technicians arrived and could not get the new door to close properly after many attempts, so I acquiesced and agreed to pay for the motor replacement. The new motor did resolve the closing problem to my satisfaction. Then, a few days later, I had a different problem with the door not closing properly. This time it wouldn't stay down; it kept closing and immediately reopening due to a safety feature sensing over pressure. They quickly returned to fix that adjustment and it has worked properly since. While I still think they should have been more willing to respond positively to my first call, ultimately they did the right thing and I am happy with the result.
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This company's business is garage door contractors.
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