172 inquiries | Computer Dealers Retail
(801) 542-9834
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We provide discount technology academic supplies and software for students, teachers and schools through a membership program.
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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.
BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.
This company sells computer software packages via email solicitations and their website. They also offer a club membership on a 7 day trial basis that provides website access to members allowing them to resell software products at a discount price to others. Members are billed a membership fee of $39.99 per month which is automatically charged or debited from their accounts. ~~Promises of quick easy money can be a powerful lure. If you buy into a business opportunity or other wealth building offer you may find that the products and information you purchased are worthless and that your money is gone. Be wary of promotional materials or sales pitches that make claims such as; you can earn big money fast regardless of your lack of experience or training the offer is risk free and has a money back guarantee you’ll reap financial rewards by working part time or at home or you’ll be coached each step of the way to success. We urge careful consideration of wealth building offers. Take your time. Don’t be rushed into buying anything. Avoid high-pressure sales pitches that require you to buy now or risk losing out on the opportunity. Remember solid opportunities are not sold through nerve-racking tactics. Investigate the business you’re considering investing in. Talk to experienced business people and experts in the field before spending your money. Be wary of "success stories" or testimonials of extraordinary success. Be cautious about purchasing by mail or over the internet where answers to your questions are not readily available. Remember that legitimate business people are more than willing to give you information about their investment or sales opportunity. Ask about how much money you need to qualify for the investment or sales opportunity and ask about the company’s refund policy. Get this in writing. Keep in mind that you may never recoup the money you give to an unscrupulous promoter despite the operator’s stated refund policies. Taking precautions before you invest is a more effective way to safeguard your money than trying to get a refund after the investment’s been made.
We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.
BCA has no information regarding advertising review at this time.
Websites:There are no additional web sites.
Contacts:There are no additional contacts.
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