124 inquiries | Rental Vacancy Listing Service | Business Alert
(562) 861-6709
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Company's nature of business is Rental Vacancy Listing Service.
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California law requires anyone conducting a prepaid rental listing services to be licensed by the Bureau of Real Estate with a Prepaid Rental Listing Service (PRLS). A real estate broker’s license will also satisfy this requirement. Anyone licensed to conduct such business, unless licensed as a real estate broker, must also maintain a bond in the amount of $10,000 for each location. You may check the status of a real estate broker licensee by writing to BRE, 1651 Exposition Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95815, by calling 1-877-373-4542, faxing 916-227263-8943, or visit their website at http://www.bre.ca.gov. To verify licensing as a Prepaid Rental Listing Service visit http://secure.dre.ca.gov/publicasp/prls.asp to view a current active list of PRLS licensees.For businesses outside of CA, please check with the appropriate agency.
BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.
Complaints against rental listing services allege that the properties advertised do not exist or that the listings are not current and the properties were already rented, were never for rent or authorized by the owner to be listed, or do not meet the criteria of the person seeking the rental. Other allegations are that the properties listed were taken from ads in other sources, such as newspapers or Internet websites. Refunds, even if provided for in the contract, are extremely difficult to obtain.California law requires companies offering rental listings to enter into a contract with you before accepting their fee from you, and the contract is subject to certain requirements. First, it must expire no longer than 90 days from the time you execute it. It must include, besides specifically what you are seeking in a property, a provision for refunding anything you paid over $50 to you if you obtain a rental elsewhere and a provision for refund if they do not provide you at least three available rentals meeting your specifications within five days after you paid your fee. It must also outline the small claims court remedy that is available to you.For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.
Mail we sent was marked refused or returned from this company. Although the company appears to be in business, we have been unable to obtain responses to complaints and/or requests for other information.
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