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If you have a fixation or something stuck, Duncan is the right person to help you get it out!
I met Duncan Tooley through Toastmasters, an association dedicated to teaching leadership and verbal communication. After I heard his of mid-body healing as the reason he became a hypnotherapist after 35 years of IT, I knew I wanted some of that! After the breathtaking drive to his Palos Verdes office, I had my third and truly pivotal hypnosis session with Duncan. I had an incredible realization that got me unstuck and caused release of joy, tears and a lot to think about. He is the personification of Aumakua in Huna, the high self completely loving and trustworthy. His voice and calming, and we were able to turn my situation back into a mole hill. If you have a fixation or something stuck, Duncan is the right person to help you get it out!
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Duncan Tooley Hypnosis provides self help training seminars and hypnosis therapy services.
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