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E Banners Advertising

  341 inquiries |
Search Engine Optimization |   Business Alert

8939 S Sepulveda Blvd. #110
Westchester, CA 90045
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(866) 951-3331


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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against E Banners Advertising closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

This company's business is banner advertising and search engine optimization services.

Primary Contact: Bob Miller (Senior Account Manager)
Business Started: 1/16/2010

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Comments and Analysis

This company offers banner advertising and search engine optimization services to internet businesses. The company's promotional literature indicates that rather than a pay per click charge, clients can purchase a keyword for a full year so that only the buyer of the keyword would be exposed as a result of a search using the word. The company claims that top rankings are achieved by their ads overwriting all other search results.

Achieving a good search engine rank is something that should naturally occur using proven optimization strategies. Keep in mind that no one can guarantee you a top listing in the search engines. SEO isn't an exact science and search engine companies are constantly tweaking their criteria for ranking websites. Don't waste your money on those sites that will submit your URL to thousands of search engines. It may sound appealing just thinking about how much traffic you can get from all of these engines. The truth is, most of those search engine sites are miniscule and have almost no people using them. The majority of searches completed online originate from Google, Yahoo or MSN. If your favorite isn't listed in this top three, chances are it's powered by one of them. AOL, for example, uses Google's index to provide search results to their users. A lot of other well known search engines utilize the indexes of these three popular companies. All you really need to do is to submit your URL to Google, Yahoo and MSN, and it costs nothing when you do it manually.

Our experience with this industry has been that despite claims of increased website traffic, there are generally no guarantees of traffic increases included in the company’s contract. Be skeptical of companies that guarantee you a top ten ranking in the search engines, or tout high projected figures for the number of leads generated by your banner ad. These companies may get your site listed high in search engine results, but only for keywords that are unrelated to your website and are almost never searched for online. Some companies may be able to achieve high rankings, but only if the online searcher has downloaded a specific toolbar offered by company. Keep in mind that ranking well in search engines for the keywords that will bring you traffic takes the right amount of time and effort. You just can't buy your way to the top.

Read and understand all terms and conditions of your contract. Ask about flat rate fees, or if you will be billed on a “pay per click” basis. If so, will you be provided with proof of the number of clicks you are billed for? Ask about refund and cancellation policies, and get all verbal promises in writing.

Other Considerations

This company's address is actually a rented mail box at a UPS Store location, and is not the physical location of the company.

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Ebanners Advertising
E Banners Billboard Advertising

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Mike Mitchke (Website Registrant)

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