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ECO Technology's goal is to help clean and conserve the environment with ecological friendly technologies. ECO Technology pledges to do its part by offering products and services to every household in an attempt to reach that goal.
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California State Contractors License Board
Verified License
License Number: 1030029 Status: Revoked
Agency: California State Contractors License BoardDescription:
On October 14, 2021 the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) Department Of Consumer Affairs State Of California filed an Accusation against Eco Technology and its Principals for defrauding customers through the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program.
According to the accusation consumers were allegedly told the company would provide energy efficient upgrades that would cost them nothing. Eco Technology would allegedly collect the customers’ information and use it to apply for loans through the PACE program for Eco Technology’s benefit. PACE allows property owners to finance energy improvement projects as a tax assessment on their property tax bills. Later, the customers would receive tax bills that had increased.
Norbertas Sinica is charged in 159 felony counts. The charges include 10 counts of residential burglary, 32 counts of identity theft, nine counts of financial elder abuse, 32 counts of false personation, 32 counts of causing a forged instrument to be recorded and 34 counts of grand theft.
For more details the visit the CSLB website to read the accusation in full: https://www2.cslb.ca.gov/CompletedPDF/Accusations/N2019-156/N2019-156-20211014-Accusation.pdf. The matter is curently pending.
We have no further comment about this company's business practices or analysis of its offer that may assist you in your consideration of this company.
We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.
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