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Endeavor Legal Group, P. C.

  622 inquiries |
Loan Modifications Advance Fee |   Business Alert

1107 Fair Oaks Avenue
South Pasadena, CA 91030
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(800) 880-0531

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Complaints and Resolutions

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Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Complaints we have received allege customers paid Endeavor Legal Group P.C. $3 000 in advanced fees for loan modification assistance services. Complainants allege that after submitting all requested documents company failed to provide the services promised failed to return calls and emails and failed to reply to requests for refund. In at least one case the complainant lost their home due to foreclosure.~

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Endeavor Legal Group, P. C. closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

Endeavor Legal Group, P. C. provides advanced fee loan modification assistance services.

Primary Contact: Ingrid Causey (Owner)
Business Started: 7/26/2012

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California State Bar

Verified License

License Number: 166305
Status: Not Eligible to Prac

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

The FTC MARS Rule makes it illegal for a company offering mortgage assistance relief services to collect any fees, regardless of the form, until it provides a written offer for a loan modification or other relief from your lender and you accept the offer. They must also provide you with documentation from your lender showing the changes to your loan if you decide to accept the lenders offer. Also, they must clearly tell you the total fee they will charge for their services. It is illegal to divide fees or services into components for the purpose of avoiding this law.

Under the same rule, attorneys who offer mortgage relief services can require an advanced fee ONLY if they: are licensed to practice law in the state where you live or where your house is located; they're providing you with real legal services and providing mortgage assistance relief services as part of the practice of law; they're complying with state ethics requirements for attorneys; AND, they place the money in a client trust account, withdraw fees only as they complete actual legal services, and notify you of each withdrawal.

Before you hire a firm or anyone claiming to be an attorney, do your research. Check to ensure they are properly licensed and that there is no disciplinary action against them. Ask what their expertise or specialty in law is and if they have ever provided foreclosure relief services. Also ask what the outcome was for any relief services they have provided.

Many companies claim to conduct forensic audits, mortgage loan audits, or foreclosure prevention audits backed by forensic attorneys where they offer to review your mortgage loan documents and determine whether your lender complained with federal and state mortgage lending laws. They often claim the audit reports can be used as leverage with the lender to stop foreclosures, accelerate the loan modification process, reduce your loans principle, or even cancel your loan. The truth is there is no evidence that forensic loan audits will help you get a loan modification or any other foreclosure relief, even if it is conducted by a licensed attorney, trained auditor, or mortgage professional. While some federal laws allow you to sue your lender based on errors in your loan documents, even if you win in litigation, your lender is not required to modify your loan simply to make your payments more affordable. If you cancel your loan, you will have to return the money borrowed, which may result in you losing your home.

Business Consumer Alliance advises to avoid any business offering foreclosure relief that:

• guarantees to stop the foreclosure process, no matter what your circumstances are

• instructs you not to contact your lender, attorney, or credit/housing counselor

• collects fees before providing any services or only accepts payment by wire transfer or cashier's check

• encourages you to lease your home so you can buy it back over time

• recommends that you make your mortgage payments directly to them or any party other than your lender

• urges you to transfer your property or deed to them

• offers to buy your home for cash at a price that is inappropriate for the housing market

• pressures you to sign papers before you are able to review the terms and conditions or before you have time to thoroughly read and understand the agreement.

Other Considerations

Attorney Ingrid M. Causey is also affiliated with a business by the name of Saber Legal Group, P.C. offering advanced fee loan modification services.  A separate BCA Reputation Report is available for Saber legal Group P. C.

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