67 inquiries | Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers
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Moved into the housing program at FCR in August 2016.
I am writing to you regarding my experience at a transitional home called Federal City Recovery located in SE Washington D.C, under the support of Ms. Ingrid M. The purpose of the housing program is to provide temporary (6 months) housing to displaced and homeless persons that are working and can save money into an escrow account, Moved into the housing program at FCR in August 2016 at resident 2606 Bowen Road S.E Wash DC, I started paying in to my escrow every 2 weeks, I work part time at Safeway making less than 20 hours a week And I get paid every Friday. When I moved in I asked Ms, M. may I pay my escrow every 2 weeks Instead of every Friday because I don't make enough in one week to pay escrow plus my other expenses, At first she replied "Yes" than a month later she retracted and said "you get paid by Safeway every Friday so you should pay escrow every Friday, not every 2 weeks" I tried to explain to her it would have been very difficult for me to pay my escrow every Friday, I'm enrolled in school full time Monday thru Friday for construction welding ,HVAC (heating and A.C) and training for building maintenance, plumbing and carpentry at C.E.T (Center for Employment Training),once a week I attend therapy treatments for my PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) buy groceries and basic necessities, pay my monthly phone bill, attend mandatory meetings 2 times a week with Ms. M. whil
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This company's business is drug and alcohol abuse treatment centers.
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