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Proud member since 10/27/2008This company is a Charter Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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BE CAREFUL if you are worried about COVID
BE CAREFUL if you are worried about COVID and thinking about moving into one of these properties. After noticing that wearing masks is only happening 50% of the time (guests and tenants) I asked what the policy is. The policy is that TENANTS wear masks and social distance, but I was told, "this is a recommendation that is not enforceable." Not one word about GUESTS. I have to assume, they can do whatever they want. Don't say you weren't warned. Does anyone know of any other safe places to live? If so, please let me know.
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Company Info
Fred Leeds Asset Group, Inc. has been in business since 1981. Doing business as Fred Leeds Properties, we provide a variety of property management services including but not limited to residential and commercial real estate.
At Fred Leeds Properties, our business is about more than just buildings, it's about building relationships through the delivery of responsive, high quality tenant services. We pride ourselves in our ability to exceed tenant service expectations. Our staff is dedicated to a hassle free living environment in which our residents can enjoy all the benefits of safe, attractive and affordable living.
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California Department of Real Estate
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License Number: 00748543 Status: Licensed
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