55 inquiries | Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers
(410) 323-9811
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The building is packed with clients for 1 to 2 hours BEFORE a single nurse shows up
Glenwood Life Counseling Center is a drug treatment center located on Glenwood Ave in Baltimore that caters mainly to ex-heroin addicts that are trying to better their lives through methadone maintenance. The main is that the clinic opens at 8:30 on Sat mornings to begin medicating clients and on many, many occasions, the building is packed with clients for 1 to 2 hours BEFORE a single nurse shows up (ie, nurse doesn't even arrive until well after 10:30) There are, according to GW's own guidelines, supposed to be 2 nurses on premises from 8am to 1pm on Saturday. Methadone is a medication that clients NEED to avoid excruciating withdrawal symptoms, and so are essentially stuck in the building until SOMEONE arrives. Many of our jobs have been lost to this negligence. This is occurring today, 3/7/20, and occurs about once a month. Many clients come here because it is accessible and transportation isn't always easy, but the manner in which GW chooses to run it's facility is insulting and unsafe. I would like the business to treat its' clientele with respect and run like a medical facility with trained and competent medical staff that SHOW UP FOR THEIR SHIFTS.
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This company's business is drug and alcohol abuse treatment centers.
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