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Global Consumer Services

  142 inquiries |
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2809 Roseville Street
Pasadena, CA 91107
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0 complaints against Global Consumer Services closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
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0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
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Company Info

This company's business is providing secret shopper services.

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Business Started: N/A

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Comments and Analysis

This company runs on line job vacancy ads to work at home as a mystery shopper by transferring money via online bank accounts. These types of offers are commonly being referred to as money mule scams. Fraudulent perpetrators contact prospective victims with "job vacancy" ads via spam emails, letters, newspaper job ads, Internet chat rooms or job search web sites. Jobs are usually advertised as a "financial manager, US representative", "shipping manager", "financial manager" or "sales manager". They offer you the chance to earn some easy money for a few hours work each week, usually just requiring that you have access to the Internet, and suggest that no special knowledge is required. They then convince the victim to come and work for their fake "company". Some fraudsters even ask mules to sign official-looking contracts of employment. Once recruited, money mules will receive funds into their accounts. These funds will have been stolen by the fraudulent company from another account that has been compromised. Mules are then asked to take these funds out of their account and to forward them overseas (minus a commission payment) typically using a wire transfer service. Acting as a mule is an illegal activity. When caught, money mules often have their bank accounts suspended, containing *all* of their money.

Although the prospect of making some easy money may appear attractive, any "commission" payments will be recovered as they are the proceeds of fraud and you may become embroiled in a police investigation. Remember that you will be the easiest part of the chain to track down and supplying any information to the perpetrators may also put you at risk from identity fraud. If you see an opportunity to make some easy money and the offer seems too good to be true, then it probably is! Remember that even if you have nothing to do with the actual extraction of funds from another person's account, by allowing your account to be used to receive and transfer such funds, you will be acting illegally.

Be cautious about any unsolicited offers or opportunities offering you the chance to make some easy money. Be especially wary of offers from people or companies overseas as is harder for you to find out if they really are who they say they are. Take steps to verify any company which makes you a job offer and check their contact details (address, phone number, email address and web site) are correct and whether they are registered in the U S. Never give your bank details to anyone unless you know and trust them.

This company claims to offer an employment opportunity as a mystery shopper. Interested participants are told they will be assigned to evaluate a variety their customer experiences with selected businesses, generating vital information necessary to quickly and effectively spot areas of superior performance and areas in need of special consideration by retail and service establishments. In this company's case, respondents are sent an overnight delivery containing two money orders for large amounts of money. They are instructed to cash the money orders at their bank, keep $150 as payment for their services, take the remaining cash to a nearby Wal-mart, and use the cash to purchase a money gram to be sent to a pre-disclosed recipient. The company then asks the mystery shopper to evaluate their experience with the Wal-mart personnel when purchasing the money gram. After several days, the "mystery shopper" is notified by their financial institution that the money orders were counterfeit, and the shopper is held libel by their bank for the entire amount. Amounts may vary, but generally are between $1600 and $2500.

We urge caution. While some marketing research companies do hire individuals as mystery shoppers, this company is not one of them. Based on our investigation, this company is not actually offering a legitimate opportunity to work as mystery shopper, instead they are recruiting individuals to unknowingly act as "Money Mules." Money Mule scams may vary, but generally work like this. Fraudulent perpetrators contact prospective victims with "job vacancy" ads via spam emails, letters, newspaper job ads, Internet chat rooms or job search web sites. Jobs are usually advertised as a "financial manager, US representative", "money transfer agent," "financial manager" or "mystery shopper." They offer you the chance to earn some easy money for a few hours work each week, usually just requiring that you have access to the Internet, a bank account, and suggest that no special knowledge is required. They then convince the victim to come and work for their fake "company". Some fraudsters even ask mules to sign official-looking contracts of employment. Once recruited, money mules will receive funds into their accounts. These funds will have been stolen by the fraudulent company from another account that has been compromised. Mules are then asked to take these funds out of their account and to forward them to a designated contact (minus a commission payment) typically using a wire transfer service. Acting as a mule is an illegal activity. When caught, money mules often have their bank accounts suspended, containing *all* of their money.

Although the prospect of making some easy money may appear attractive, any "commission" payments will be recovered as they are the proceeds of fraud and you may become embroiled in a police investigation. Remember that you will be the easiest part of the chain to track down and supplying any information to the perpetrators may also put you at risk from identity fraud. If you see an opportunity to make some easy money and the offer seems too good to be true, then it probably is! Remember that even if you have nothing to do with the actual extraction of funds from another person's account, by allowing your account to be used to receive and transfer such funds, you will be acting illegally.

Be cautious about any unsolicited offers or opportunities offering you the chance to make some easy money. Be especially wary of offers from people or companies overseas as is harder for you to find out if they really are who they say they are. Take steps to verify any company which makes you a job offer and check their contact details (address, phone number, email address and web site) are correct and whether they are registered in the U S. Never give your bank details to anyone unless you know an

Other Considerations

Mail sent to this company was returned by the post office as "moved; left no forward address," "forward order has expired," or "unable to locate." We cannot trace addresses of companies or principals. General information is available upon request which may assist you.

As of June 24, 2008 we verified that this compamy's website is no longer operational, and our files show disconnected phone numbers, returned mail or both. The company appears to be out of business. The Bureau cannot trace addresses of companies or principals. General information is available upon request which may assist you.

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