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Goldstein Law Office provides aggressive and focused divorce and family law representation. He will make sure any divorce settlement accounts for all marital property and income, and is fair to his client.
Arnold D. Goldstein has been in private practice for the past 40 plus years. In the first 20 years there was extensive experience in the areas of General Civil Litigation, Real Estate, Probate, Federal & State Taxation, Corporate, Partnership, Estate Planning, Bankruptcy, and General Practice. All this occurred before my practice began a concentration in the Family Law Litigation issues. As a result of my background and experience, I have developed skills in accounting and legal issues that are involved in every divorce and family law case. There are few cases where the assets or liabilities are not affected by laws relating to real estate, estate planning, business (corporate & partnership) and taxation. Experiences in these areas are a definite asset in my practice.Offering services in the Lakeforest, Northbrook, Highland Park, Winnetka, Deerfield, and Glenview IL areas.
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