151 inquiries | Duct and Air Filtration System Cleaning Contractors
(800) 721-2690
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Complainants allege the company tries to perform unnecessary work in order to increase final costs fails to properly clean ducts or offers to perform extermination services to rid the homeowner of rats or mice. The complainants requested refunds.~~The company responds by disputing the customers claims and denies refund requests on the basis that the work was performed as agreed.
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This company's business is Duct and Air Filtration System Cleaning Contractors
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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.
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The BBB advises consumers to check credentials carefully when selecting a duct cleaning service. Everyday throughout the United States unethical duct cleaning contractors prey on unsuspecting homeowners by using bait and switch advertising. They advertise cheap prices-with no intention whatsoever of actually delivering on this offer. Instead they use it just to get in the door where they will resort to using scare tactics to pressure homeowners into agreeing to high priced services that in some cases are unnecessary. Some of the scare tactics used might include dire warnings of health or safety risks or threats of exposure to city or county authorities for failure to remove toxins. In some cases “technicians†may actually be commission based “salesmen†without the proper training or certifications to actually understand the cleaning process they are selling.~~The Contractor's license number displayed on this company's website #911567 does not belong to Green & Clean Air Duct. The license belongs to Countrywide Home Builders in Winnetka Ca. Depending on services provided the company may not be required to have a contractors license. Individuals or companies who perform construction services which total $500 or more are required to obtain licensing and a bond with the Contractors State License Board. Consumers should be aware installation of any major home appliance such as air conditioners water heaters electrical heaters etc. by an Unlicensed Contractor may void the warranty on that product.
We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.
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Websites:There are no additional web sites.
Contacts:There are no additional contacts.
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