Member | 570 inquiries | Truck Driving Schools
(818) 364-6600
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Proud member since 07/30/2007This company is a Charter Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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GSF is a great school to start off your career.The staff is amazing friendly and helpful they give you the right tools and education your going to need to get you to the next level of success if your thinking of getting your Class A or Class B licences join GSF take the first step sign up and they will walk you thru the process step by step.If l could do it so can you l passed my Class A September 12 2018 Thank you GSF
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GSF’s individualized one-on-one professional training & instruction guarantees our students’ success. We help you launch a new career as a truck or bus driver, help eliminate points off your driving record & consequently prevent insurance increases.
GSF is centrally located near downtown Los Angeles and is accessible to all who live and work in Southern California. Managed and staffed with professionals who have more than 20 years experience in this industry. Specialists in a variety of commercial driver training programs including Class A, Class B, Class B-P Bus, and P&D Van. We focus on providing our clients with the highest quality training services at competitive prices. There is NO BETTER TRAINING VALUE in Los Angeles if you are seeking a Commercial Driver License. Customized training programs for employers available. Placement services available. DRIVE for a better future TODAY!
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