(323) 325-2565
Showroom in Los Angeles M-F 9 to 4 appointment is necessary.
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Showing 1 recent review for Hacienda Rustica
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Posted on 1/27/2014
Beautiful furniture, custom orders, great service.
I have had my Hacienda Rustica bedroom suite for ten years now, and still absolutely love it. Working with the manager, Oscar, was delightful. He was so willing to customize and make me exactly what I wanted, and for a great price too, complete with delivery. Now, a decade later, I am remodeling my bathroom, and so delighted I can go back to him and get a vanity that matches my wonderful bedroom suite! My husband and I have a huge log home, but not a huge budget. When we bought the place, I thought hard about how I wanted to decorate it. I don’t really like most of the furniture I see on log home sites – much of it seems so forced or cutesy. But modern furniture doesn’t look right either. We were shopping for a bed, and I found Mexican rustic at Pier One. My husband immediately rebelled, and said it was too light weight and would not last. He wanted a gigantic paneled bed from a traditional furniture store, which I thought would look awful in the house. I searched every nook and cranny of the internet until I finally found a gigantic, paneled, Mexican rustic bed at Hacienda Rustica! Oscar had it made exactly to our specs, and we both love it. It looks perfect in our log home – I can’t imagine anything else there. It is both beautiful and very solid. So we added on, and now have a room full of it, and I hope to have a matching vanity in the master bath soon.
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