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Hammock Oaks Apartments

  44 inquiries |
Apartment Rental and Leasing

3550 Lake Center Drive
Mount Dora, FL 32757
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(352) 385-9191


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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 6/13/2019

I would just like the company to know our experience and to know that we would never recommend this complex.

We lived in our apartment just shy of 3 years. The entire time we had continual issues with our A/C not working properly. Almost every two weeks on the dot it would stop working. Maintenance would come but would/could not fix the issue. We were told that management would not order the correct part. We had one instance when the A/C broke and we were given a small window unit which was supposed to cool the entire apartment. This lasted for over a week. During our lease we also were notified that the complex would be breaking their agreement with Comcast which provided the renters $50 price reduction on their bill. When the agreement was terminated we did not get that $50 reduction back instead the $50 was just added into our rent. Also, when we moved out we were sent a bill for an additional $900 plus dollars the bulk of which was for carpet replacement due to having two small dogs. Our dogs never messed up the carpet but we were told they have proof which they have yet to be able to provide to us. Having lived at the complex for several years we know that whether you have pets or not they replace the entire carpet before leasing to new renters so we are being scammed out of money and they are using our dogs as justification. We have paid the additional bill received after moving out. I would just like the company to know our experience and to know that we would never recommend this complex.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Hammock Oaks Apartments closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

This company's business is apartment rental and leasing.

Primary Contact: Management Office
Business Started: N/A

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