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Proud member since 07/13/2020This company is a Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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Handyman Pro, can help with projects large and small. All Phases of Construction, Full Remodeling & Minor Repairs, Kitchens & Baths, Decks, Landscaping & Hardscaping, Tiling Home Maintenance and Roofing.
Anthony Catalli ("Tony" to his friends and clients) has been involved in the carpentry trade since 1979. A Certified Lead Carpenter, he founded Handyman Pro in 2005 and is a fully licensed and insured home improvement contractor (License #CS039784) and construction supervisor (License #39784). Prior to founding Handyman Pro, Tony has worked as a finish carpenter, a construction supervisor for high-end residential construction projects, and he ran his first business, Catalli & Son, for 17 years.Tony has earned a reputation as a reliable, honest and skilled contractor. He takes great pride in the quality of his work, no matter the size of the project. With his mobile workshop, he comes prepared to tackle any job.
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This company may be required to be licensed or registered for the services they provide. To check the status of this company's home Improvement Contractor registration, please contact the Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs & Business Regulation at or call (617) 727-3074. This company's HIC license number is 158339. To check the status of this company's Construction Supervisor license please contact the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security at or call (617) 727-7775. This company's Construction Supervisor license number is CS-039784. Read More
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