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Proud member since 03/15/2021This company is a Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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Hi-Desert Truck Driving School Inc. is certified by the State of California and offers professional training at a fair cost. We are also certified by B.P.P.E. and offer 100% job placement assistance.
For years, Hi-Desert Truck Driving School Inc. has educated students in the Los Angeles County area. Students that attend Hi-Desert Truck Driving School in California come from many cities around the area including Lancaster, San Fernando Valley, Antelope Valley, Simi Valley, Ventura, Oxnard, Santa Barbara and Santa Clarita. Hi-Desert Truck Driving School Inc. is approved for all major truck company training, including FedEx (Los Angeles County) and approved government agencies. Hi-Desert Truck Driving School Inc. also has terminal satisfactory status from the California Highway Patrol and DOT and are accredited from the Bureau for Private Post-secondary and Vocational Education.We work hard to obtain many affiliations to better assist our students. Because of our affiliations, we are able to accept vouchers and any grants. Currently, our affiliates are: Employment Development Dept., Work Source I-Trian, State Fund, Works Comp., Veterans/G.I. Bill Post 9/11, Indian Tribes, and Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. We are committed to the education of our students and to getting them employed. We do this by providing professional training in a classroom and field setting, but also by working with individuals so that they grasp concepts and get the most from their learning experience.
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