200 inquiries | Property Tax Reduction Offers
(866) 716-7892
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This company's business is providing property tax negotiation, foreclosure and loan modification services.
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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.
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Some companies send official looking mailings to property owners offering to provide property tax reduction assistance services. These companies are not associated with the Tax Assessors office but are instead offering a service to property owners to file for a reduction. Consumers should be aware that solicitations from private companies offering to pursue reductions in property taxes must clearly indicate that they are NOT a government agency and that their services are NOT approved or endorsed by any government agency. Failure to provide such notice is a violation of California law. Property owners receiving legal solicitations from private companies that properly identify themselves as not being a governmental agency should be aware that their property may have already been reviewed and the value reduced by the Assessor’s Office. There is no reason to pay for a review that has already been completed. If your property was not reduced in the Assessor’s review and you believe the assessed value of the property shown on the 2007-08 tax bill is more than the fair market value, you may be eligible to file an appeal, or pay for the services of a company to do it for you.
We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.
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