Member | 958 inquiries | Air Conditioning & Heating Contractors
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Proud member since 03/18/1991This company is a Charter Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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Hyde's Air Conditioning is a professional, licensed HVAC and plumbing contractor offering services in Indo, CA and surrounding area.
For more than 40 years, thousands of families and business owners have trusted Hyde's to install, maintain and repair their air conditioning and heating systems.Since our founding in 1972, Hyde's has been committed to providing excellent service and exceeding our customers' expectations. We are a family-owned business, big enough to service all of your commercial or residential air conditioning needs, yet small enough to sincerely care about your comfort.Hyde's has always embraced the latest technology and techniques to help provide our customers with superior products and service. As a case in point, we use state of the art tools and methods to plan and install your cooling system, and then we rigorously test our work to ensure that it meets our self-imposed standards for success.In addition to heating and air conditioning system service and installation, we are experts in the fields of energy efficiency and indoor air quality.We have built a reputation as a company that does the right thing by its customers. If you are looking for a professional, reliable, experienced HVAC contractor to keep your home or business cool and comfortable, and improve indoor air quality in your home, contact us. Hyde's, your preferred air conditioning contractor in Palm Desert, Bermuda Dunes, Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Desert Hot Springs, Indio, Rancho Mirage, La Quinta and surrounding towns in the Coachella Valley, Southern California.
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California State Contractors License Board
Verified License
License Number: 906115 Status: Active
Companies offering to provide construction services which total $500 or more are required to obtain licensing and a bond with the Contractors State License Board. We suggest that you verify licensing with the California Contractor's State License Board (CSLB). For the most up to date information on license status you may call the Board at 1-800-321-CSLB, or visit their website at businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.
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