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Be very certain that you are wanting to remain with the company (I divorce forms)during the process. If there are any disputes, complications, or pending contests to the divorce where the advice of a legal attorney is required, AND if you address these issues within 24 hrs of payment, then a refund will be granted. A full refund takes between "3 - 10" business days (basically 2 weeks) for the refund to be processed. However my case was marked as "pending" for 16 working days before the funds were sent back to the issuing financial institution. Then it takes 3 - 5 business days for the pending funds to be reviewed for reposting back to the account. In essence, you are looking at a 4 week wait and pending time before the funds were returned to the account. Secondly, the card was compromised in the transition of payment to I-Divorce Forms, causing the card to be shut-down and reissued. Several attempts at accessing the card by third party "hackers" was denied. This leads me to believe that their site is not as secure as was advertised. This company should bear the warning "Caveat Emptor"
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If divorce has become the only way forward for you and your spouse, iDivorceForms can make the online divorce process easier and faster than a traditional divorce.
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