Member | 95 inquiries | Painting Contractors
(650) 455-3373
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Proud member since 01/30/2024This company is a Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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They are an outstanding company and I highly recommend them!!
I could not have been more pleased with their service. Extremely thorough, very attentive to my needs and my requests, and yet they were hopeful in making suggestions and using their professional. expertise to guide me. Timely, extremely clean, extremely respectful of the neighbors. They put tarps on fences to protect neighbor property, tarps on cars to protect their car when they were painting and spring. When they were completely finished, they walked around with spot cleaner to clean up any spots on the pavement or patio or so on. Beautiful work and some of my neighbors have now used them because they were so impressed.
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Company Info
IME Painting a professional contractor in the State of California. Please contact the business for a full list of services.
IME Painting is a duly licensed contractor through the California Contractors State License Board offering services in State of California.
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California State Contractors License Board
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License Number: 1115224 Status: Active
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