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InterFACE Talent Headquarters

  161 inquiries |
Talent Advertisers - Advance Fee

15 Kennedy Blvd
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
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(732) 993-4141

Monday-Friday 1PM-7PM, Saturday & Sunday 10AM-4PM

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0 complaints against InterFACE Talent Headquarters closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
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0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
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Company Info

InterFACE Talent is a talent marketing company specializing in connecting aspiring models, singers, and actors with modeling and talent agencies, photographers and casting directors.

Primary Contact: Roman Vintfeld (CEO/President)
Business Started: 12/1/2003

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Businesses in this industry may be required to be licensed, bonded, or registered. For more information contact the State of New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety, Division of Consumer Affairs Regulated Business Unit located at 124 Halsey Street Newark, New Jersey 07102 at (973) 504-6370, or email at

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Comments and Analysis

Beware of modeling and talent job offers that may be schemes directed at taking your money. Consumers have reported being scouted in malls and other public venues by persons claiming you or your child has the perfect look for a career in entertainment. After providing a card or obtaining your number, you are scheduled for an “interview”. But when you show up for the appointment, you find yourself in an office with other hopefuls who also believe they are applying for a chance at an entertainment career. Once you finally get your turn, you find out that what you thought was a job interview with a modeling or talent agency is really a high-pressure sales pitch for modeling or acting classes, screen tests, or photo shoots that can range in price from several hundred to several thousand dollars.

Here are some signs you might be dealing with a scam:

·         You have to use a specific photographer-While you will need professional photos, you should be able to choose your own photographer. If the agency demands that you use their photographers consider that to be a red flag and reason to look elsewhere for representation.

·         Advanced fees required before they'll do any work on your behalf-Modeling and talent agencies get work for experienced models and actors. Some agents require that you sign up exclusively with them, while others allow you to also register with other agencies in town. Either way, legitimate agencies don’t charge you an up-front fee to serve as your agent. They get paid when you get paid.

Modeling agencies aren’t the same as modeling and acting schools or workshops. These schools claim to provide instruction, for a fee. But after you take classes, you may be on your own, despite their promises that attending modeling school will ensure you make it as a model.

·         Pressure to come in and sign up for their services now-Before making a decision, take time to check out a company before you give them any money or personal information. Never sign a contract or agree to services before you thoroughly check out the terms and understand the agreement.

·         Guaranteed refunds-A company may claim your deposit is totally refundable. However, most often these “guarantees” have very strict refund conditions. Or, you might be told if you are not selected to enter the program offered, you will receive a refund. In these cases, most everyone who pays is accepted into the program.

·         Cash only-Companies that only allow payment in cash or money order may be a sure sign that they're more interested in your money than your career.

·         High earnings claims and guaranteed work- Many of the schemers claim you can make big money and boast of connections with top professionals in the industry. While they may talk about big salaries, the reality is even for successful talents, work can be irregular. Also, no modeling or acting job is ever guaranteed. And depending on where you live, the market for those types of jobs may be very small.

Offers to Make Your Child the Next Big Star

Fake talent scouts target parents and offer to set up a photo shoot or classes to help you get modeling or acting jobs for your child. What they don't tell you is that the market for child models and actors is very small. And because a child’s looks change quickly, legitimate agents, advertising agencies, casting directors, and producers generally ask for casual snapshots, not professional photos.

Be wary of casting calls advertised on the radio, television, or the internet looking for the next child star. These are often a way agencies get parents in to enroll their kids in expensive acting classes.

Business Consumer Alliance advises anyone interested in signing up with a talent agency or marketing company to research the company beforehand. Check the internet for any complaints, reviews, or government actions involving the company or its principals. Inquire about local licensing requirements for companies offering talent or modeling services. Speak to others that have used the company’s services. Ask for references of models and actors who have recently received work through the business. If an agency says it has placed models and actors in specific jobs, contact the companies to verify that they've hired models and actors from the agency. Obtain all terms, guarantees, conditions, and promises in writing. Keep copies of all documents, including the initial solicitation, flier, or business card provided to you.  Inquire about your right to cancel and the procedure for doing so. 

Other Considerations

We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

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Industry Model and Talent Studios
InterFace Holdings Group Limited Liability Company
InterFace Operations Group Limited Liability Company
InterFACE Talent Network
InterFACE 1, LLC



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Mitchell Rubin (COO)

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