Member | 52 inquiries | Electric Contractors
(949) 531-5730
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Proud member since 05/16/2024This company is a Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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Our knowledge in both areas, residential and commercial, allows us to offer tailored solutions that perfectly fit the needs of each client.
At JM Brothers Electric, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality electrical services to residential and commercial clients across Southern California. Founded by skilled electricians with a passion for excellence, our company is committed to safety, reliability, and customer satisfaction. Whether you need a simple repair or a complex installation, our team is equipped to handle your electrical needs efficiently and effectively. Trust us to light up your space with integrity and professionalism. With a decade of expertise, JM Brothers Electric has grown from a small team of dedicated electricians to a leading provider in Southern California. Over the years, we've tackled diverse projects, from intricate commercial installations to essential residential repairs, always ensuring top-quality work and utmost safety. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction continues to fuel our journey.
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California State Contractors License Board
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License Number: 1120149 Status: Active
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